Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Blog Run!

While it is not the first time I've done this interval run I would say that today 
it was special. Today's run was my first run while doing this blog! 
Yay! Celebrate errthang!

I had a good pace the whole time and I did really well on the sprints. I still can't wait 
for fall to really get to Texas...sometime in October. Late. October. I'm having trouble 
with pacing myself on the treadmill.

I did hit the 25% completion mark for this month's 100 mile goal! Yay me!

Today's run couldn't have come at a better time. I've been low...a little moody...a little 
huffy about all things running and nutrition. But today has been an eye opener in general. 

Early this morning my mom went in to get her hip replaced. For some reason I was 
really nervous about this surgery. She came through it fine and I hope to get to see 
her this evening. But it really made me stop and take stock of my life. I've been 
noticing things all day that just make me so thankful for all we have. It made me push 
harder in this run than I have in a while. 

I'm going to take the rest of the day to really look around (not at my phone)
and just be grateful. No more complaining, pissing, or moaning.
Just. Be. Grateful.

Workout Type: Running
Workout: 4 miles then
               (20sec sprint + 2 min slow) 4 times
Total Distance: 4.65 miles
Time: 58:40
Average Pace: 12:37

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