Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Good Things Come...

It finally happened. I finally had a good run. It wasn't great, but it was good enough to tide me over for the next couple of days. 

It was a simple 4 mile run with some sprint intervals at the end of it. I put my iPad over the treadmill display and told myself I couldn't check it until I had run 45 minutes. I didn't rush myself and just let my speed be what it was. 

I ended up having an awesome run at a great pace with plenty of bounce in my step. I didn't trudge, it was a nice run and I felt strong!! I also hit completed a 3:20 plank before the run so to say I'm happy with today is an understatement. 

I know I keep saying it but I am so ecstatic with today's run. Sometimes something as simple as a good run can really turn everything around. I needed this run. I just took a look at my schedule for the next month and oh god. My long runs are 12,13,13,14, and 14 miles. All with 4,6, and 5 mile runs during the week. I've only ever run 13.1 miles so those 14 milers are going to be awesome. 

It is going to be serious. And I am just the slightest bit intimidated. But today's run felt good and I'm going to focus on that. 

That, and the cuddles I got to have with William after my run. Little man has a fever and I'm going to take all the cuddles I can get!!

I would have totally taken a nap if the other boys hadn't been playing. :)

It was a good day. 


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