Monday, August 17, 2015

Your hardest critic...

There seems to be a recurring character flaw with runners. We're doubters. 

Don't get me wrong, we are some of the most stubborn, type A personalities you'll ever meet. We're kind of like the postal service: we will run regardless of weather, terrain, or mood. But you throw a couple weeks of bad runs at a runner and we go crazy. 

What am I doing? Should I even run this 5K/10K/Half/Marathon? What's wrong with me? Is it my shoes/socks/meals/gu? 

We constantly doubt ourselves. And I haven't figured out why. We are so very capable! 

The past few weeks I have been struggling. Yesterday's long run was no exception. 

I ran 11 miles on the treadmill and I earned every single one of those miles. At mile 5 I wasn't sure I would finish. At mile 8 I sat down and though about crying. At mile 11 I finished and sat down and cried. Just a little cry. Not sure if it was from relief or frustration. I just want one good long run to let me know I'm on the right track, even if it doesn't feel like it. 

I did get some goodies for my run though. I'll be writing a review this week on some of the items. 

Some good news though!! I did a 3 minute plank! YEAH!!! I've been working on planks for over a month. I was only scheduled for a 2 min 50 sec plank but I said screw it and just went for it!! I have found that having music helps. 

Love me some Kenny Chesney. 

I love doing planks. Everyone acknowledges their difficulty so you can brag about it and look like a badass. ;) I always feel so strong after doing them! They're the best. 

I plan on doing a short walk tonight to stretch my legs and focus on how awesome my next run is going to be. The weather is starting to cool down, I think I'll do my tomorrow's run outside. It should make all the difference. 


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