Haloooo! My name is Maria and I am utterly boring.
is not my first blog. I have been blogging for a number of years about
my personal
life which is humdrum at best. We lead a life that is perfect for Facebook.
We're really good at making our life look interesting.
I take a mean selfie.
But alas, you blog
readers need details. And pictures. Lots of perfectly styled and
glowingly lit pictures and I hate to say it but my life doesn't photograph well. Our old
house is in a constant state of disrepair and hellllloooooooo! I have three kids
under the age of three. There's not a whole lot of prettiness going on in my life right now.
So as much as I would love to have a dedicated
following that thinks I'm totally
wonderful I just haven't found that
niche that makes me special in the blogging world.
I do like to run though.
I had been running for a year or so when I stumbled upon Onward! The Absolute, No B.S., Ridiculous, Soul-Stirring Truth About Training for Your First Marathon. And I fell in
love with this lady. She spoke to my soul you guys. She was funny and real and it was
so nice to read a real person's take on marathon training (real as in not an athlete).
I had just finished my first half marathon and was training for my first marathon
when I read her book. It was a quick and great read for where I was at in my life.
Fast forward almost a year.
The lessons I have learned, you guys, I can't even tell you. There is so much more
wrapped up in this running business. I have learned things about myself, I have come
to terms with the incredible mistakes I have made in my "career", in my relationship,
in life in general. Things that I didn't even know had been an issue have
been accepted and resolved.
It's crazy.
So when I started rereading her book a couple days ago I started coming across
passages in her introduction that completely applied to me.
We were both stuck in a rut.
We had both just laid down in our relationships.
We had both lost our sense of self and self-worth.
We both felt weak and helpless and truly had no idea where to start
helping ourselves.
I was shocked at how close this all hit. When I first read her book I felt pretty good
about where we were considering we were drowning in all things baby. Three babies
in two years ya'll. It's no joke. I felt like her initial problems just didn't apply to me.
Looking back I can see how wrong I was.
So, this blog go 'round I'm taking a bit of a different approach. Instead of writing a
lifestyle blog with a little bit of running and cooking I'll be writing a running blog
with a lot of cooking and a little bit of lifestyle. I've learned that running is really the
only constant in my life. Five of the last six posts on my other blog were running
posts so I'm just going to go ahead and commit to this.
You'll hear about my running (I'm gonna bitch a lot. Get used to it), my battles with
nutrition vs. my deep love of Hot Cheetos, and probably a little bit
about my cross training.
What you will NOT see in the blog are beautifully put together pictures of my lovely home,
my well makeuped and hairsyled self, or my perfectly behaved children because honestly.
I loved the approach Brook took with having a daily short post with the occasional
long post. Contrary to the length of this post, ain't nobody got time fo' that!
To wrap it up, I hope you guys will enjoy taking this journey with me. Currently I have
multiple mud runs, a 5K, and two half marathons under my belt. I am halfway
through training for my next half marathon at the end of October. I start training for my
first marathon (February) the second week of November. That's where we're at and
that's where we'll pick up.
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