Friday, September 18, 2015

90 Day Plank Challenge

A couple of months ago I had a great idea. 

Me: Let's do a plank challenge!

Self: Great idea Maria! Lets find one onlin-

Me: Oooooh-ho-ho-ho no self! We can't do a simple, online 30 day challenge!
We're going to do a 90 Day Challenge with a 5 minute plank as 
the ultimate goal. 

Needless to say I couldn't find one already made. That should have been my
first warning. So, being the genius that I am, I made one up. And then
because I was afraid to do it alone I dared Barry to do it with me.

Downloadable Link

As you can see, there is no set start date. There is literally not a single excuse you 
can make about when to start. You don't need to start on a Monday, or the first of the 
month. There is no calendar. You can start TODAY. 

I made it through Day 68 before my schedule got super crazy and I missed too many days.
But I start again today and I'm feeling good about this round!

I'll give you a tip, don't quit. We both got a cold at the same time and didn't do a plank for a couple of days and let me tell you, that first plank back is a killer. But honestly, once you do it for a couple of days your body remembers. And your body will hold if you don't allow your mind to give up.


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